FAQs for distributor candidates

About the free software distribution agreement

hmtoggle_arrow1What are the benefits of distributing free software?
hmtoggle_arrow1Can I sell the free software?
hmtoggle_arrow1What is my cost to distribute the free software?
hmtoggle_arrow1What is included in the distribution cost?
hmtoggle_arrow1What is the maximum amount of free software that I can deliver?
hmtoggle_arrow1What is the distribution period?
hmtoggle_arrow1Can I leave the distribution at any time?

About free software distribution

hmtoggle_arrow1Can I sell Sierra Software commercial products or subscriptions?
hmtoggle_arrow1Can I sell software from other brands?
hmtoggle_arrow1Can I distribute the free software as I want?
hmtoggle_arrow1Can I post the free software on my website with a link?
hmtoggle_arrow1What happens if someone outside the agreement territory downloads the software?
hmtoggle_arrow1How do I load the image of my company or publish banner ads?

About associated software and services

hmtoggle_arrow1Does the software have an expiration date?
hmtoggle_arrow1Are there any restrictions to use the software?
hmtoggle_arrow1What are the major limitations of the software?
hmtoggle_arrow1What kind of support and warranty do we offer the user?


If you are considering distributing our free embroidery software, please fill out the "Become a Dealer" form to get in touch with us. We would like to learn about your business and explore the opportunity to work together in your market.